Drawing my first ever one point perspective


Drawing my first perspective was one of the biggest challenge as I did not know anything about perspective drawing…It was totally a new subject which I had never heard of before entering design school. So as I was given an assignment to be completed at home I watched the video attached above which helped me a great deal in completing my drawing.


McDonalds design

After watching this video I was inspired to write my History assignment on the new outlook of McDonald’s. During history class as when we were given topics to choose from, I had 2 options i.e either to write my paper on Scandinavian design or on the new interior of McDonald’s. Two days after, I came across this video which helped me choose my essay topic.

Since the new look of McDonald’s also has a touch of Scandinavian I decided to settle to the McDonald’s.

Cube & Color Exhibition

Hiii all

Cube and color was an exhibition held at the Barefoot store featuring a collection of patchwork and weaving by the Barefoot designing team… We were taken for the exhibition through college & it was said that it’s a must-see because it was Barefoot’s design teams first ever exhibition in 5 years. There is emphasis on colour, variations, simple schemes and methods. The inspiration has and will always be this tropical island and nature. These designs are popular and unique in their own way. In truth, they are of simple lines; fabric woven in simple handloom. This is turned into lines that depict landscapes and more; pieces of variation in colour that are a work of art. They are evidence to the design team’s unlimited levels of creativity.

Following are some images that I captured during the visit which I also used as inspirations for my sketchbook….

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Gangaramaya & Its beauty

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Gangaramaya is one of SriLanka’s famous budhdist temples located in Colombo 2.. A short walk east of the South Beira lake is the sprawling Gangaramaya Temple. The large temple has also a library as well as a museum of its own. The temple was founded by Venerable Hikkaduwe Sri Sumanagala Nayaka Thera and his pupil Devundera Sri Jinaratana Nayake Thera converted the small temple into the large structure it is today. The Buddhist temple has a collection of elephant tusks, rare artefacts, and relics of Buddha acquired locally and from abroad.

Attached below are some pages from my sketchbook

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Earth from above

11A Berber Village

As I was researching for my restaurant project I came across this website which captures images of different aspects from a far above the earth. The image above was an inspiration to me because as I was studying the Berber living it showed me the layout of housing. This image gave me understanding that the Berbers live in clusters(clusters housing) maintaining common courtyards & narrow spacing.

Earth from above is a United Nations supported ecological project led by Yann Arthus Bertrand. This project is a series of aerial photography  capturing vistas of Earth from aircraft.




Mount Lavinia Hotel

As a part of the study tours last year we were taken to Mount Lavinia Hotel. This is one of the oldest hotels in Sri Lanka having a long rich history of 200+ years. This Grand hotel was built by the second British Governor, Sir Thomas Maitland in 1805. The town Mount Lavinia is named after this hotel.  As we visited the hotel, the management allowed us to go around & take some pictures & also gave us a brief history of the hotel. Shown below are some sketches as well as images that I captured.


Front Entrance with Lady Lavinia Statue


Door Keeper


Inside the Secret tunnel of Thomas Maitland & Lavinia

The visit to the hotel & story behind it was a great inspiration to me because last semester I used this hotel for a history group assignment. Some sketches from my sketchbook from last year….


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